Wednesday 27 May 2009

North Cameroon by storm

After years of waiting, the specialities of Northern Cameroon were getting closer and closer, and with a new airline working out of Douala our chances of getting to Garoua on the chosen day at the chosen time and with minimal delay were also greater. Douala airport appeared from first impressions a few days ago to be a scammers school of money making but this morning it was very relaxed, quiet and within no time at all we had secured our tickets, carried our bags unchallenged through to the departure lounge 'very small lounge' and proceeded to bird the airstrip for Pipits, Waders and Herons. Finally the time had come, we boarded the plane, and within a few hours had arrived safely in Maroua and ready for mega birding action.
The desolate desert like plains of North Cameroon, brimming with lifers and great birding
Tropical Douala airport, gateway to the North!!
Great stuff, have a pee and have a brew up at the same time in the airport toilets.

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