Monday 26 May 2008

Another local tick!!

Bank Holiday Monday, what a day, I was a bit concerned that I may well run out of sun block!! With news of a Fulmar in the Thames off Rainham, Essex I met up with Andrew at Greenhithe to 'enjoy' 3 hours or so River and rain watching!! Fortunately Andrew already had a Fulmar lined up and during the watch we recorded at least 3 birds, plus a Brent Goose, Sandwich Tern, 2 Kitts, Arctic Tern, 2 Grey Plover, a John Archer and a Bob Watts both twitching the Fulmar. At times the views were pretty good despite the poor weather and yet another tick for my Dartford marshes area list, now a massive 205!! Also a good LNHS bird, but sadly no Gannets despite there being 'lots' off Canvey further East, they simply don't like coming past Cliffe or even beyond Allhallows at times.

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